Wednesday, October 14, 2009

10 Months- Me-Then and Now

Its been almost 10 months since we r2i-ed and I often go back 2-3 years into memory lanes and think how I have changed or things have changed specially in the last 10 months.
As I have said before, I was not keen on moving back. It was 99% H's decision.1% was my coaxing him to make a decision either ways.

Having lived here for 10 months, here are the things that have made me change or re-iterate my opinions-
1. Proximity to parents- our parents live in North. It takes a minimum of 10-12 hrs to reach them from Bangalore as compared to 26 hrs from US. I have been to my parents place twice already and going again next month for my brother's wedding but I think this is more like a novelty trips then required ones and will not be as frequent in the years to come
2. Domestic Help- Yes it is a headache till you find the maid of your dreams. My friend who R2i-ed about 4 years back is still struggling and is the witch of her complex for the maids. In a way, it depends on your attitude also. I have leant to ignore and tolerate and do things on my own as well. also, we treat all our helpers with utmost respect and compassion, so they respect us from heart.
I am in a horrible state of health for the last 5 days due to allergies and sinus. One of my maids is making all sorts of soups and Kaadhas(medicinal soups) for me everyday as per my taste. also, she is doing many other household chores which she can without asking for a penny for this. She is an angel in disguise for me. Not only b'coz she is helping me but for the kind of person she has been during the last 9 months.
Our driver is checking on me thrice a day to ensure that everything I might need is attended to.
Do you think you can get this in US?? NO.
Touchwood!(God please save my luck from evil eyes!-nazar mat lagana)
3. Health- getting worse. I am unable to stand in the kitchen for even 10 mnts at a stretch. Allergies are kiing me. They are more frequent and worse. I have spent about Rs. 10K on docs and medicines during the last 10 months. The illnesses included allergies, sinus and stomach infections only!
It is one of the 2 reasons which still makes me fell like running back. But I have still not given up. I am trying Homeopathy and will start jalneti soon.
4. A- Thats my little one who has recently turned 3. It has been the easiest for her. No issues except for colds and upset tummy(twice). But we have been extremely careful with toilets and food with her. I do not step out of home without water and some home made or packaged snack for her. She is happy with school and is quite popular amongst teachers as well as kids.
Poor thing has become proficient in cooling down her ever exploding parents by saying- "Its ok Papa/ mummy, theek ho jayega....koi baat nahi"(it will all be fine)....I really do not know where she learnt this from.
5. Things around- I am still not used to the inefficiencies, corruption, unprofessional ism, etc., etc., etc. BUT, I have learnt to live with it and work around it.
Ex- I know how long it takes to get things done in the bank. So, I take some water and food for A along, take a 2 hours time slot(as compared to 10 mnts in US) and a book to read to pass time and maintain my cool. I am cool as cucumber now and do not scream so often. Actually, it is H who is screaming these days on everything. I am the smiling like Buddha spectator.
Ex2-If I have a courier delivery expected, or an electrician visit, or cable guy visit, etc., I do not keep any other plans for that day. That solves majority of the problems. Because I do not have other things to be taken care of and hence, no anger.
6. I don't mind it- I would not say now that I am not happy or at peace( except for the health). Trade offs are everywhere. It depends on what price you are paying to get what.
I was happy in US and now, I am happy here also. Things might change when I start working because professional angle will also come in the picture.
7. Schools- This is reason no.2 to run back. Bangalore school scene is horrible. Last year A was under age for NPS and now she is under age for LKG but over age for montessori. Plz beget your child before june and after Jan in case you have any plans to live in B'lore. I have not yet filled up even 1 form but I am completely exhausted and in a state of giving up.
8. Social Life- Our social life in US was equally busy and happy. It is still the same. We are lucky to have a very nice bunch of friends and cousins in US and in BLR.

Diwali is around the corner and I am enjoying the festivities and prepaprations.In India, there is deifinitely much more hustle and bustle but it is not the same as I had expected or as it is in North India. I do see roadside Diya vendors, chinese lights in markets, etc. but not as festive as I expected it to be.

But, on the whole, it is nice to be back home.

See, I told you there is a twist in the tale.


  1. It took me about a year and a half for my health to settle down after R2I. Don't have a count of the number of times I fell sick, contracting some infection or the other. It was almost ridiculous!

  2. Dear Disgruntled R2Ier,

    Thanks a lot for taking time and interest to go through my blog....or my experiences.
    I can completely understand what is going inside you.

    you know what I think, do not stop yourself for your parents. because you will just keep blaming them for your miseries which is not fair to them. I know a family who moved back from US for ailing mother. Father had already passed away. This was many years back. The mother is still their, the couple who R2I-ed is aging now and the kids have moved back to US. The couple is literally waiting for the mother to pass away (which is very sad for everyone) so that they can move back with their kids.

    If India doesn't work for you, it drives you crazy. every single day becomes a painful event. specially if health is not going great.

    we are absolutely sailing in the same boat. may be we can talk sometime and share our experiences over a cup of virtual coffee. :)

    where are you?Bangalore or elsewhere?
