Tuesday, September 8, 2009

List of things to bring with you when R2I-ing

I brought a lot of things with us which seemed like not required at that time. But, they were very helpful. I took about 1 year's supply of things like medicines, cosmetics, clothes, cleaning supplies, etc. And I am glad I did that.

So here is the list-

1) Medicines- For self and for Kids. Atleast common ones like Tylenol extra strength, Claritin, etc. for yourself.
Tylenol Cold, Cough, fever, pain, Laxatives if any applicable(in our case, our daughter was on Miralax on a regular basis when we moved back), Neosporin, Diaper rash cream, etc.

2) If your child is on Diapers, bring lots and lots of diapers. In India the quality is pathetic(no absorbency, bay sticker, very flimsy and tear-able) and expensive also.
3) Bounty Kitchen Tissues- You will take time to adjust to the cloth or the tissue quality in India
4) Windex
5) Laundry stain remover- There are some very good stain removers available in India also like Vanish but to get used to will take some time.
6) Clothes for children in India are very expensive. Also, you might take some time to get used to the quality and designs also. If possible, get larger sizes as well. I had also brought a lot of Osh Kosh jackets and sweat shirts for my daughter. They are very useful. And you do not get anything even close to that here.
7) Shoes- Definitely the shoe designs are better here and cheaper too. But I loved the comfort of shoes in US. So get yourself a few pairs.
8) Cosmetics- Branded cosmetics are very expensive her and you don't have deals also. Like walgreens or CVS. So get yourself lipsticks, lotions, moisturisers, face washes, creams, etc for a year. But, if you don't wish to save, everything is available here now.
9) Cosmetics for children- In this case saving money is not an issue but quality is way too different. Specially J&J baby lotion is watery here, pale pink and has a wierd smell. I am used to it now but it took some time.
10) Utility items from Ikea- I would not recommend Ikea beds or couches but definitely things from the Ikea market, bath section, etc.
11) Furniture- If you are bringing a container with yourself, try to get major furniture with yourself. The leather couches in India are almost the same price or may be more but quality is very very different. I am not taking about the quality from the chinese/ korean/malaysian stores but from furniture boutiques or american outlets.
A word of caution- if you are planning to rent an apartment in India, the couch might turn out to be too big for the living rooms here. Indian couched are made keeping the new apartment sizes in mind.
12) Branded perfumes- Both me and my husband love fragrances and we have got our selves a lot of perfumes. You dont ever get perfume deals in India. Never. I got burberry for $20. That is not possible in India.
13) We used to cook in olive oil. And we got a few litres from costco. Olive oil is very expensive in india- about Rs.700/lt. for an average one. Bertolli, etc. are more expensive.

I would be happy if any of my readers can suggest some more items.

1 comment:

  1. Indian style cooking in Olive oil is not recommended especially if you are using it for tadka (where the oil reaches it's smoke point. The very reason for which we use olive oil becomes questionable.
    You can use olive oil if you are trying to use it just to pour over the bread etc.(Italian style)
